
The publisher of the Platform is the company SL FACTORY company SL FACTORY, a simplified joint-stock company with share capital of 130,207 euros, registered with the RCS of NANTERRE under number 532 276 102, having its registered office located at 8 ALL HENRI SELLIER 92800 PUTEAUX, represented by Mr. Lepeltier Steve. Intra Community VAT number FR 469 186 57297.

Publication Director

The Platform's publication director is Lepeltier Steve, CEO and VP Europe of SL FACTORY.


The Platform is hosted by AWS France, whose address is 31 Place des Corolles, Tour Carpe Diem, 92400 COURBEVOIE (France).

Intellectual property

The general structure of the website as well as the texts, images, sounds and videos composing it, are the property of SL FACTORY or its partners. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of this site, by any process whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of SL FACTORY or its partners is strictly prohibited and could constitute an infringement within the meaning of of article L-335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Personal data: Processing of personal data is carried out through the use of the site. To find out more about this processing, you can consult our privacy policy.

Personal data

Personal data processing is carried out through the use of the site.


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